Five Reasons to Start a Business in the Netherlands
If you intend to start a business on the European continent, you have to choose a suitable country to begin with. Europe includes 44 countries (28 members of the EU) of various sizes, languages and levels of economic development. You might consider the Netherlands as a good place to establish your European business. The five main reasons why you should are listed below.
English will do everywhere
Regardless of the part of Holland you are in, the locals will speak basic English as a minimum. Your beginner’s attempts to speak Dutch will most likely result in replies in English. The widespread knowledge of the English language has multiple advantages, among which:
- Drafting agreements in English is common practice. You don’t have to translate your contracts in Dutch for them to be legally binding.
- If you employ local personnel or use the services of Dutch vendors, you will not encounter serious communication problems.
- You will not need to adapt your manuals or product packaging;
- The marketing slogans of your company can remain in English, though it may be appropriate to translate your other advertisements.
Short distances for travel
The big cities like the capital of Amsterdam, Utrecht, Den Hague and Rotterdam are an hour away from one another by car, at the most. The Randstad megalopolis hosts seven of the fifteen million people living in the country. Even the far-off regions or towns are no more than 3 hours away by car. Therefore you will be able to operate on the whole territory of the country from a single location.
Considerable spending power
Statistics show that in Holland the gross domestic product per capita rates among the highest worldwide. And, unlike in other top scoring countries, the distribution of income is relatively even. Therefore most Dutch residents have quite a bit of spending money.
Good opportunities online
The broadband penetration in the Netherlands rates among the highest worldwide due to the coaxial and phone networks covering the entire country. Dutch people shop readily online, while it is cheap and easy to arrange payments for the services and goods you offer. Consumers are not biased and more inclined to buy Dutch products: good deals always attract customers.
Setting up a company is easy
The last competitiveness ranking prepared by the International Institute for Management and Development rates the Netherlands 1st on the European continent and 4th in the world with respect to competitiveness. With the help of Intercompany Solutions, you can register your company within a few days. Small businesses need to meet few requirements and it is not obligatory to appoint an accountant or a local director. The rate of corporate income tax is twenty percent. You will also need to pay a fifteen percent withholding tax, but this could be settled with taxes on dividends covered by you elsewhere.
If you need further information on company establishment in Holland, please, get in touch with our qualified agents. If you are interested in starting a business in the Netherlands, you might also like our article with 5 ideas for opening a small Dutch business.
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